Simple, sleek, and professional promotional webpages to send casting directors and agents giving them easy access to what they need.



A quick and affordable solution for every actor to make a great impression online,

before you ever even step foot into an audition.


A site that will work for you.  Display your image, reel, resume, headshots etc all in one place in a visually appealing and user friendly way. Time is money and I guarantee the harder it is for a casting director to sift through material to find what they want, the less likely they'll bother.


So make it easy for them! We can get everything in one single page so casting directors never have to click more than once to find what they need.





Main Design Image w/ Custom Title

Embedded Reel

Up to five Print Ready Headshots

Resume PDF Link

Contact/Agency Info

Social Media/IMDb Links


Up to 2 additional framed pages

to use for whatever you want!

ie: Additional Images

Additional Video

HTML Resume

"Projects" Page


$200 $350

Prices include FREE HOSTING. 

Prices DO NOT include purchase of custom URL, future redesigns or updates. 

To see my online design portfolio click here.



Additional Information

To see my complete online design portfolio click here.



Need something more elaborate? I've made sites for musicians, artists, comedians, magicians and all sorts of other creative types. I can make you any type of website you need! Simply call or write and I guarantee a product and deal you'll be happy with.